"The Wechat mini program briefly demonstrates my portfolio during my UNDERGRADUATE study. "
Hi~ Welcome to my website!
I am currently looking to recruit motivated students to join my research group. If you have an interest in Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Information Visualization (InfoVis), particularly focus on cultural heritage, education, game design, and the dynamic realm of anime and manga culture (二次元文化), then I would like to hear from you.
If you are interested in scientific research and coding, with creativity, and English writing skills, please send your CV to me at ningning.xu@zwu.edu.cn. In your email, please clearly state your specific research interests and highlight any relevant experience you may have, and please let me know your research plan or any ideas (if you have).

This project aims to develop an AR board game, unfolding cultural narratives through situated visualization for cultural learning. (Published in ISMAR)
[ChinaVis 2023 First Prize]
Supervisor: Lingyun Yu and Yu Liu
[ChinaVis 2023 First Prize]
Supervisor: Lingyun Yu and Yu Liu

CubeMuseum AR
It is a tangible AR interface for cultural heritage learning and museum gifting.
Has been optimized in my final master project.
[CCVR 2021 First Prize]
Supervisor: Yue Li
[CCVR 2021 First Prize]
Supervisor: Yue Li

DesktopShare for DJing
Rekordbox DesktopShare aims to provide a visual track view on mobile screen as a lightweight alternative software for low-end DJ controller to low the threshold of DJing. It shows great performance with low delay.